COICA presents new visual identity

The journey of the Coordinadora de Organizaciones Indígenas de la Cuenca Amazónica – COICA is like the cosmovision of the indigenous peoples: spiral, integral and based on the accumulation of knowledge and wisdom. In this framework, we present the new image of COICA with updated graphic elements in the logo that were forged throughout the 37 years of our organizational life.

By means of our ways of life and spiritual and cultural values, we, COICA, understand the efforts oriented towards the promotion, protection and security of the territories of the Indigenous peoples of the Amazon. Our logo contains elements that express the principles of indigenous peoples and is aligned with our objectives as an indigenous organization of international convergence. One that is articulated through political grassroot organizations present in 9 Amazonian countries.

The new image of COICA is a result of the creative process of participating members of the Coordination Council and the Board of Directors of COICA and recognizes the efforts of warriors who have fought and resisted for more than 500 years against the advancement of the invasion of the Amazon. Through the visual representation of traditional elements used in daily life by the Amazonian Indigenous peoples, it combines the principles of struggle, resistance, spirituality, complementarity and unity, as detailed below:

BOW, (Letters “C”):

The bow is a traditional instrument historically used for hunting and in battles fought by our indigenous warriors, mainly from the lower Amazon. It is a symbol of struggle and resistance in defense of the territory and the protection of the Amazon.

“MOCAWA” or VASIJA, as seen from above (Letter “O”):

The mocawa is a traditional implement used to provide special drinks made mainly by wise women. It signifies food sovereignty, femininity and duality in indigenous peoples. The internal graphic symbolizes the anaconda and its 9 diamonds, the countries of the Amazon basin represented by COICA’s national member organizations.

MARACA (Letter “I”):

It is a traditional instrument used by indigenous peoples especially in ceremonies. It symbolizes spirituality and rituality and represents connection with mother earth.

LANCES /SPEARS (ends of the letter “A”):

Spears are traditional tools historically used for hunting and in battles fought by our indigenous warriors, mainly from the upper Amazon. They are symbols of struggle and resistance, in the defense of the territory and the protection of the Amazon.

BIRUTI or DARDO (Transverse to the letter “A”):

A small element used by some Amazonian Indigenous peoples for hunting, together with the bodoquera or blowgun.

As Amazonian Indigenous peoples, we consider that the inclusion of representative elements that unite us as guardians of Mother Nature, vindicates our commitment to the defense of indigenous peoples´rights and the protection of the Amazon.